Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Simply irresistabull

Could't resist as an artist, having a look at our city's Beef Capital theme - the urge to create
art featuring bulls and cows was simply irresistabull!
Let alone the current aim to make our region the most liveable in the world... so here's a few vignettes of life in the Beef Capital.
It's a bull town sure, but it's a cow town too ;-)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

* Nubia_group Powerpoint Collection *: La Mouton - Photo artist

* Nubia_group Powerpoint Collection *: La Mouton - Photo artist: "Enjoy the fantasy world of the Russian artist Anna Rastorgueva nicknamed « La Mouton » talented photographer and retoucher, based in Moscow"

Aussie Christmas cards

Powerpoint and slideshare and Scribed

Maybe you have a business and want to send a slide presentation out to the world.
Or you are an artist wanting to share some images with a potential buyer.

Or you have learnt something clever and want to make an instructional presentation to share your newfound skill.

Microsoft Office Powerpoint is easy to pick up and use.
If you need a hand, ask a primary school child - they probably know how to assemble a slide presentation, having used Powerpoint for school assignments.

You can save the finished presentation to your blog or or

Slideshare accept presentations in these formats:
Presentations: pdf, ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx, pot, potx (Powerpoint); odp (OpenOffice); key, zip (Apple Keynote).
Documents: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, xls (MSOffice); odt, ods(OpenOffice); Apple iWork Pages.

Max file size: 100MB for presentations & documents.

As their blurb explains, "On Scribd, you can easily turn any file—such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint—into a web document and immediately connect with passionate readers and information-seekers on our thriving community, through connected sites such as Facebook or Twitter and search engines such as Google. Scribd users have shared tens of millions of free and for-purchase documents and books ranging from vampire fan fiction to research reports and business presentations.
There's something for everyone—students and teachers, business professionals, companies and organizations, writers and artists. Millions of people contribute to the conversations happening on the site through comments (scribbles), ratings and other sharing features. They also read in whatever way they choose, including on, mobile devices, through downloads or even in print."

You can then embed your presentation in your blog or other social networking sites that support that format.
Voila! You are now sharing with the world, or just the friends you nominate.